Enrolment Procedure
St John Vianney's Mulgrave
Important Enrolment Information​
St. John Vianney’s is a multi-ethnic and multi-faith community. The formation and education of the students is based on the principles of Catholic teaching; all are welcomed by our community.
Non Catholic students are able to apply for enrolment.
The Principal or a member of the Leadership Team will meet with families and the student before enrolment is accepted.
The school will contact the kinder/childcare educators/agencies
Foundation 2025
For students to begin school in 2025 they must be 5 years of age by the 30th April 2024.
Formal Open Day Tours will be held in Term 1 & 2 2024. These tour dates are advertised on our Website, in our school Newsletter and also at Kinders and Child Care Centres.
If these dates do not suit you, please contact the school to make a mutually convenient time for a tour. Information packs are distributed during Open Days or can be sent electronically or posted.
Applications for Foundation 2025 will close on May 15th 2024 unless we still have vacancies.
Parents and prospective students will be contacted by the school to arrange an interview time with the Principal/ or a member of the Leadership Team after we have received the completed enrolment pack information.
Letters of Offer for Foundation 2025 will be sent electronically before the end of May 2024. We require parents to sign and send back an acceptance of the enrolment offer.
The school conducts Foundation Transition sessions during November/December. While children attend sessions to familiarise themselves with school, information sessions for parents will be held to assist the transition process for their child.
Enrolment for Foundation 2025 will continue to be open if there are vacancies available.
If you have any questions or seek clarification please ring our office on
03 8543 4444
Student Voice
A Word from Our Students

St John Vianney's Mulgrave - Student Voice
Parent Voice
A Word from Our Parents

St John Vianney's Mulgrave - Parent Voice
Teacher Voice
A Word from Our Teachers

St John Vianney's Mulgrave - Teacher Voice
Extra Curricular Programs
It's the Little Extras that Makes Us Special
St John Vianney’s offers a range of extra curricula activities.
School Choir is for students in Year 3-6. In Term 3 & 4, students in Year 2 can join the choir to sing at liturgies. Our choir is well known for their love of performing. The choir practises each week and sings at special events, at our school production, for the elderly, and for joy!
Mini Vinnies is for students in Year 4-6 who as part of our social justice initiatives want to make a difference. They are inspired by the work of St Vincent de Paul. The group is inducted at a special liturgy each June. They raise awareness of the importance of Social Justice. They organise events and fundraising including Fair for Fairness Days.
Visits to John Hannah House All classes are rostered across the year to visit the senior citizens at John Hannah House which is connected to our Parish and situated beside our school. Classes visit the group in the common area. Activities may include singing a song, reading a book, making a card, talking about school. It is a lovely way of connecting with and valuing the more senior citizens within the community.
Visits to Kinders Our Year 5 students visit some of the local Kinders, reading to and engaging with our younger community members. ​
Swimming is for all students Prep – Year 6. All students participate in a 10 day swimming program at Swim World in Glen Waverley (dedicated Swimming School). Year 3-6 students have swimming lessons in Term 1 and Prep – 2 in Term 4. During the 10 day swimming program conducted by trained swimming instructors, St John Vianney’s have exclusive use of the pool and facilities.
A Student Disco is held each November for all students and is one of the most anticipated events of the year! It is held in the Parish Hall. The evening organised brilliantly by our P&F and is divided into a Prep – 2 disco and a Year 3-6 Disco.
Camps The camps are part of our Outdoor Education Program. Currently the Year 4 students go to Sovereign Hill for 3 days/2 nights. The Year 6 students travel to Phillip Island Adventure Camp for 4days/ 3 night experience. Camps are often recounted as one of the most memorable highlights of Primary School.
Library Club The Library is open and supervised for half lunchtime, Tuesday - Thursday for students who would like to read or participate in quiet board game activities.
Sporting Activities & Clubs The Year 6 Sports and House Captains offer structured games and sports at some recess and lunch times. They run separate activities for the junior school, middle school and senior school.
Games Club. From time to time across the year, the staff and senior students offer various games/ activities for students to participate. Examples of these clubs might be Chess Club, Drawing Club, and Dancing Club,Games Club. These Clubs are held at recess and Lunch times.
Games Club From time to time across the year, the staff and senior students offer various games/ activities for students to participate. Examples of these clubs might be Chess Club, Drawing Club, and Dancing Club, Games Club. These Clubs are held at recess and Lunch times.
Indonesian Club Following on from our outstanding Indonesian Specialist Class, interested students can be part of an Indonesian Club. They promote Indonesian day and create Indonesian displays around the school.
Kelly Sports is a service provider who comes to our school to offer lunch time and after school sport games and dance activities. These are conducted by specialised Kelly Sports instructors.
Violin Strings Program is offered by Mazenod College on a Friday morning at school for boys in Year 3-6.
Instrumental Music is offered by a service provider each Friday after school. Students can learn keyboard or guitar.